Congratulations to the Community Council for organising the annual parade and to who streamed it live all over the world. … [Read more...]
Kingscourt Knitting & Sewing Class
Each Thursday a number of parishioners come to the Parish Centre for a highly successful Knitting & Sewing Class. They are pictured at their … [Read more...]
Lenten Novena with Mary Kenny
Mary Kenny was the key note speaker at our Lenten Novena this week. Mary spoke on the night when Pope Francis 1 was elected as our new Pontiff. She … [Read more...]
Golden Jubilee of Bishop Smith
Bishop Smith was ordained a priest on 9 March 1963 by Cardinal Traglia at the Lateran Basilica, which is the Pope’s Cathedral. He celebrated his … [Read more...]
Thinking of our Emigrants
This Saint Patrick's Day we are thinking of our Emigrants with further information to read beneath: … [Read more...]