Structures for Safeguarding Children
The Diocese of Meath has over recent years worked very closely with the HSE in putting in place trained child protection representatives in all parishes. Progress reviews take place at regular intervals during the course of the year between Diocesan and HSE personnel.
The Diocese has shared and continues to share with the HSE all information in relation to concerns that arise in the area of child protection. The advice of the HSE is followed in setting up reporting procedures, for which the Diocesan Delegate and parish representatives have been trained by HSE personnel. If a complaint arises, the Diocese gives its full cooperation to the Gardaí.
If anyone has a child protection concern, disclosure or allegation, the Diocese asks you to come forward so that children can be safeguarded and healing can begin.
Contact details for the Diocesan Delegate and parish representatives are available in church porches.
Prayer for Victims of Abuse
We pray for all those who have suffered abuse of any kind:
that the Lord of all tenderness and compassion
will restore them and give them peace.
We pray that we may become more and more
a community that actively cares for and protects
the most vulnerable sections of our society.
We pray for the Spirit of wisdom:
that it will enlighten the minds of all people
and lead to a growth in awareness and determination
to put an end to all acts of violence and abuse.
Safeguarding Children Parish Representatives:
Gwenneth Byrne, Majella Rooney Kelly, Rob Jones, Elaine Carolan Fitzsimons and Grainne Taylor.
They can be contacted at 042 9667314
Link to the Diocese of Meath Safeguarding Children website.
Designated Liaison Person: Marie O’Sullivan. Telephone 083 3175742
Tusla Child and family Agency: 046 9098560
Kingscourt Gardai: 042 9667292
Gardai National Protective Services Bureau: 01 6663430