Congratulations on the birth of your baby!
The bringing of new life into the world is a special privilege and the gift of your new child will bring much joy and challenge on his/her journey through life.
We are delighted that you have chosen to begin your child’s Christian journey here in Kingscourt.
As a community, we share in your joy and want you to know that we will offer every support possible to assist you as you hand on the faith to your child.
The Parish Baptism Team members are available on the first Thursday of each month at 8.00p.m. at The Parish Centre in Kingscourt. The team welcome the parents who have children to present in this parish and in the neighbouring parishes of the cluster. Baptisms take place only in KINGSCOURT on the Second and Fourth Saturday of each month at 4.00p.m. Baptisms are not celebrated in either Muff or Corlea.
The Baptism team will help you to complete your registration form; they will go through the baptism service and answer any queries that you may have.