A very sincere word of thanks to all who prepared for and participated in our annual Cemetery Sunday Mass with the Blessing of the Graves. It was wonderful to welcome people from the four corners of the parish and beyond for this important faith occasion, to remember and pray for our beloved dead. Thanks to PJ, our sacristy team and servers. Thanks to Patrick and the wonderful team of stewards. Thanks to Annette and the Pastoral Planning Team who prepared the liturgy. Thanks to June and our dedicated Ministers of Holy Communion. Thanks to Ciaran and the members of the Parish Finance team. Thanks to Sgt Jimmy McGovern and Kingscourt Gardai for providing a traffic management on the day. Thanks to Tommy, Joseph, and Jason for operating the sound system, to Gavin and the choir for wonderful music which lifted our hearts, to Ena, our readers and youth readers, to Colm and Kieran Funeral Care for the provision of the canopy, and to Darek for his excellent work on the cemetery grounds.
Thanks to Pat and Rosena Donagh of Magees, Kingscourt, who sourced, supplied and sponsored Umbrella’s for the Ministers of Holy Communion.
Thanks to Eugene and Gemma of O’Gorman’s SuperValu, Paddy McCabe’s Garage, Shekletons and Gerard McKenna Engineering who provided much needed additional parking on the day. We trust this day is a source of comfort and consolation to all who journey on the road of bereavement and loss. May all our beloved dead rest in the gentle embrace of the Lord eternally. Our Cemetery Sunday Mass for next year is scheduled for Sunday 3rd August at 12noon.