The Council for Life of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference has launched a Pray For Life Novena which is running from Thursday 23 May until Friday 31 May, which falls on the Feast of the Visitation. The Pray For Life Novena, and its associated website Pray For Life – Novena May 23rd – 31st, will give people an opportunity be an active part of this initiative to pray for the protection of human life and to build a culture of life. The Council for Life is inviting people to sign up on to receive the daily prayers and actions that will focus on themes such as expectant Mothers and Fathers, unborn Children, for those who defend life and for an end to abortion.
Launching the Pray For Life Novena, Bishop Kevin Doran, chair of the Council for Life, said, “writing about the Our Father, the Latin-American theologian Gustavo Gutierez commented that, if we pray ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ with sincerity, it requires us to be committed to working here on earth to bring about that reign of God.”
Bishop Doran continued, “as we embark on our third annual Pray for Life Novena, we form a community of prayer, whether online or in person. We pray not only for women and their babies, but also for ourselves, that we may be renewed in our courage and our confidence in being advocates for life, and in our capacity to inspire others to do the same.”