It was a great blessing to gather as a parish and faith community to celebrate our first Cemetery Sunday with Blessings of the Graves since
2019 in this jubilee year of our church. Thanks to all who keep their individual grave plots and to Darek for his work on the cemetery grounds.
Thanks to the very many who were involved in so many aspects of the day:
To Tommy, Jason and Joseph for providing our sound, to Gavin and our Folk Choir, to Majella and all our stewards, to Garda John Doran and Kingscourt Gardai for traffic management, to PJ and our dedicated sacristy team, to our adult and youth readers, to June and all the Ministers of Holy Communion, to Annette and The Parish Pastoral Planning Team, to Ciaran and the members of the Parish Finance Committee. Colm Kieran and Kieran Funeral care for the provision of the canopies. Thanks to O’Gormans SuperValu, Shekletons and Paddy McCabes Garage who provided much needed additional car parking. Thanks to one and all. May our beloved dead rest eternally. It is proposed Cemetery Sunday 2023 will take place on August 6th at 12noon.