A special word of thanks to all who participated and joined in person in such great numbers to celebrate the days of Holy Week and Easter with prayer and thanksgiving ,after an absence of three years, owing to the various lockdown restrictions in these times. Thanks to our Ministers of Holy Communion, our readers, collectors and all who coordinated the various ceremonies. A special thanks to Aonghus Byrne, Ciaran Callaghan and the students who dramatized the Passion on Good Friday. Thank you to PJ Fleming and our dedicated sacristan teams for their hours of work and preparation. Thanks to Majella and our hardworking altar serving teams. Thanks to Derek, Cian, Gavin and our choirs who added so much to each liturgy through music and song. Thanks to Ann and her team for preparing the wonderful Easter garden and to Little Buds Florist, Kingscourt for the church flower displays. Thanks to Una Hughes and the Lough an Leagh group who prepared and participated in our Easter Dawn Mass at The Mass Rock at Lough an Leagh. We are very grateful and appreciative of Miriam and Church Street Cafe, who generously sponsored the refreshments for our many visitors after the dawn Mass.
Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed. Alleluia!