For a large part of the last 54 weeks our churches have been closed for public worship. Under the restrictions and unable to attend church, except for private prayer , large numbers of families, couples and individuals in addition to our great parishioners have joined our parish community for Masses and various online religious ceremonies in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The feedback has been phenomenal!
Thanks to Aine who looks after Facebook Live and Stephen for Webcam, we have kept our great parish connection. It is not ideal, because, as a faith community we need to gather for the celebration of the Sacraments and especially the Mass. We are looking forward to the day when we can once again gather and pray in our Teach Pobal De.
We are blessed with a truly great and exceptional parish community in Kingscourt. This little project of Jerusalema joins with the peoples all over the world who have participated in this little initiative. We hope it lightens your day.
Happy Easter !