Holy Week and Easter are of fundamental importance for us as believing people. Given the current level of restriction in these times, it will not be possible to have public worship this Holy Week and Easter of 2021.
We warmly welcome all parishioners to join us via webcam and facebook to celebrate Holy Week and Easter. God does indeed walk with us in these holy days as we journey with positivity, hope, and love in our hearts as a great parish, people, and community of faith in Kingscourt.
Palm Sunday
Blessed Palms will be available in Kingscourt Church after 11.00a.m. Mass.
Holy Week Holy Hour Retreat
We welcome all parishioners to join us on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening for our Holy Week Holy Hour at 7p.m.
Holy Thursday
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7p.m.
Good Friday
Guided Stations of the Cross at 3p.m.
Solemn Liturgy of the Lords Passion at 7p.m.
Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil in Kingscourt.
Easter Sunday:
Easter Sunday Dawn Mass will be broadcast on webcam and facebook live at 6a.m. It will be celebrated for the intentions of all working on The Frontline, those in every sector from our parish, during these past twelve months.
Easter Sunday Mass at 11a.m.
You are kindly requested to return your TROCAIRE box to Kingscourt Church or The Parish Office. It is of great assistance if you could convert your coins to notes!
Easter Offerings:
Easter Sunday is an Offering Day in support of your priests. Thanks to all for your continued kind financial support to your parish and priests in these very challenging times for everyone.