From midnight on October 7th the Government has imposed level 3 restrictions on our country.
- All our Church services will be celebrated without a congregation and will be available on our webcam and Kingscourt parish Facebook.
- A new maximum number for those attending funerals and weddings becomes effective.
- All baptisms have been postponed and will be rescheduled.
- Our churches remain open for quiet prayer and to light a candle.
The Rosary is prayed during this month of October every morning before Mass.
Mass will continue to be celebrated each weekday morning at 10.00a.m.
Our Vigil Mass will be celebrated on Saturday at 6.00p.m. both on webcam and facebook.
There will be one Mass on Sunday celebrated at 11.00a.m. also available on webcam and facebook.
Fr. Gerry continues his pastoral work in the parish, taking all the necessary precautions.
The Parish Office remains open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10.30a.m. – 12.30p.m.
Keep Safe!