Irish Chaplaincy offers contact service for anyone in Ireland with concerns about vulnerable older family or friends isolated in London
The Irish Chaplaincy in London is a registered charity which provides an outreach service to three main groups: elderly Irish people (the Seniors’ Project); prisoners and to Travellers. At this challenging time caused by COVID-19 social restrictions, the Chaplaincy is offering support to anyone in Ireland with concerns about an older family member or friend living in London. On their behalf the Chaplaincy can make direct contact with vulnerable older Irish living but isolated in London. The Chaplaincy is also a link to services and community groups on the ground local to where a person is living in London.
This is a free service and contact can be made to the Chaplaincy from Ireland by post: PO BOX 75693 London NW1W 7ZT; by email [email protected] and by phone 0044 (0) 20 7482 3274. Please leave a message and a representative will contact you.