Please see attached issue 50 of Sharing the Good News, in a new two-page format, for distribution to your parishioners. The March 2019 issue includes the following articles and news snippets:
- Archbishop Eamon Martin encourages the faithful to #LiveLent 2019
- Archbishop Diarmuid Martin presides at a service of silence and prayerful reflection in a gesture of solidarity with the people of New Zealand and the Islamic faith worldwide;
- Parishes encouraged to champion the message of Laudato Si – Pope Franics’ encyclical on care for our common home
- ‘At the service of justice and peace’ – Archbishop Diarmuid Martin delivers the annual Trócaire lecture 2019 [article also includes a reference to the awarding of two prestigious honours to former Trócaire directors Mr Justin Kilcullen and Éamonn Meehan];
- Bishops express concern about ads for maternity hospital
- News snippets: (i) Bishop Kevin Doran appointed Chairman of Council for Life (ii) Altar used for WMOF2018 Closing Mass has new permanent home in Bonnybrook Parish.
Download newsletter here Sharing the Good News March 2019