A very sincere and heartfelt word of gratitude to all involved in so many aspects of parish life and ministry. Thanks to our Parish staff and volunteers, the members of the Parish Finance Committee, Parish Pastoral Planning Team, the co-ordinators and ministers of Word and Holy Communion, our superb Youth readers, all our Choirs, Musicians, Organists, Cantors, Stewards, Counters, Collectors, members of the Baptismal teams, the Parish Bethany Bereavement Support team, those involved in Eucharistic Adoration, Funeral Stewards, members of the St. Vincent de Paul, The Parish Safeguarding team, our Sacristans, our wonderful serving teams and their co-ordinators,those who prepare, maintain and clean our Churches to such a very high standard throughout the year, those who prepare the flowers and linens. A special Thank You to all who prepared the Churches and Cribs for Christmas and do such quiet and important work behind the scenes. You make a real difference! Thank You to the Chairpersons and volunteer board members of our four Catholic Primary schools who give of their very valuable time, talent and expertise in the service and development of primary education, to the Principals, their staffs, and the Parents Associations of each of the schools. Good wishes to all at Colaiste Dun an Ri on their first Christmas. I commend all who are involved in the very many sporting, cultural, educational and voluntary groups within this great parish of Kingscourt for your leadership, vision and generous voluntary spirit.
I look back with real gratitude on 2016 for the months of sabbatical in the Holy Land and my return home on July 1st to this generous, vibrant, living parish community and people of Dun an RI. May all our parishioners, at home or across the seas, have a very Happy Christmas and enjoy every blessing and good health throughout the coming New Year. Faith, someone wrote, makes all things possible, Hope makes all things work and Love makes all things beautiful. May you and your families have all three gifts this Holy Season.