Kingscourt Come Dancing held the official launch at Dun a Ri House Hotel last weekend to a packed and enthusiastic audience. All the couples were paired off on the night and begin an intensive four week preparation for the big event on April 5th. Tickets will be available this week and a sell out performance is expected in The Nuremore Hotel.
Below are the pairings for the 5th of April.
Damien Barry & Majella Kelly
David Barry & Emma Gorman
Peter Boylan & Therese Corscadden
Patrick Carolan & Catriona O’Donnell
Thomas Carolan & Tina McCaul
Anthony Corcoran & Aine Reilly
Gene Crosby & Suzanne Gavin
Padraig Donagh & Katie Dillon
Sean Farrelly & Jackie Lynch
Gavin Gorman & Arlene Prendergast
Fr Gerry McCormack & Sadie O’Reilly
Stefan McEnteer & Cathriona McKenna
David McNally & Lisa McCabe
Ruaidhri O’Rourke & Mairead Farrelly
Thomas Rooney & Tina Curtis
Seamus Sexton & Kathleen Carolan
Noel Sherlock & Mary Duffy
David Wakely & Jackie Campbell
Brian Ward & Ellen Tinnelly
David Watters & Jackie Faulkner
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