Sr. Brenda Dolphin, Leader of the Mercy Sisters, Sr. Mary Coyle, Archivist of the Mercy Sisters, are pictured with Annete O’Rourke, Chairperson of the Parish Pastoral Assembly and Caran Boylan, Chairperson of the Parish Finance Committee being presented with the original drawing of the Fatima Window by Evie Hone which was recently discovered by the Mercy Sisters. The local parish community was delighted to welcome this original piece of work and accept it back to the parish. It is expected to be on display soon in the church. Thanks to the foresight of Fr. Michael Marry and his successors, along with the wonderful generosity of parishioners, past and present, our parish has a unique and unparalleled collection of stained glass in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Kingscourt.