Palm Sunday:
Palms will be supplied and blessed at all Masses.
Spy Wednesday:
The Lenten Penance service for the cluster parishes will take place in Saint Brigid’s Church, meathhill at 7.30p.m.
You are invited to join at The Mass of Chrism in The Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar at 7.00p.m.
Holy Thursday:
Evening Mass of the Lords Supper at 7.30p.m.with Procession to the Altar of Repose with Night Prayer at 9.15p.m.
All Ministers of Holy Communion serving in our three churches are kindly requested to attend at this Mass for a renewal of commitment.
At the request of Pope Francis there will be a collection for the poor and the marginalised on Holy Thursday.
Good Friday:
Stations of the Cross in Muff at 12noon.
Stations of the Cross in Corlea at 3p.m.
Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion in Kingscourt at 7.30p.m.
A special collection will take place on Good Friday to support the suffering Christians in The Holy Land.
Holy Saturday:
Easter Vigil in Kingscourt.
Easter Sunday:
Easter Sunday Dawn Mass at 5.45a.m. at The Mass Rock, on Lough an Leagh.
Easter Sunday Mass in Corlea at 9a.m.
Easter Sunday Mass in Kingscourt at 10.30a.m. & 12noon.
You are kindly requested to return your TROCAIRE boxes to the church on Holy Thursday. Alternatively, you can use the special TROCAIRE ENVELOPE in your planned giving boxes. It is of great assistance if you could convert your coin to notes!
Easter Offerings:
Easter Sunday is an Offering Day in support of your Priests.