Missing You – a prayer for grandparents and grandchildren on missing each other
I am missing their tiny hands in mine
I miss their wrinkles and their smile
I am missing their visits and our weekly walks
I miss their voice and our face to face talks
I am missing hearing all about their day
I miss them showing me the way
I am missing hugs and kisses
I miss sharing fun and wishes
I am missing tucking them in on sleepovers
I miss story time snuggled under the covers
I am missing joining our hands in prayer
I miss just having them there
I am missing seeing them grow
I miss them sharing all the things they know
I am missing the rites of passage that have passed
I miss them being with us at Mass
I am missing the grandchildren’s ring on the door bell
I miss granny and grandad and hope they are well.
I am missing their presence day and night,
I miss my grandparents, my guiding light.
Please bless my grandchildren,
and keep them safe and sound.
Please mind granny and grandad
until we can have them around.