A very sincere and heartfelt thanks to all who are involved in so many aspects of parish life and ministry in this wonderful parish. Thanks to our countless volunteer members on our Parish Finance Committee, our Parish Pastoral Planning Team, our Baptismal teams, Bethany Bereavement team, Parish Safeguarding team, all involved in Eucharistic Adoration, Saint Vincent de Paul Society, our co-ordinators and Ministers of Word and Holy Communion, Youth readers, all our choirs, musicians, organists, cantors,
stewards, counters, funeral stewards, those who arrange the flowers, prepare and clean the churches and linens to such an exceptionally high standard.
Thanks to our wonderful Sacristans and our very dedicated serving teams. A very special word of thanks to those who have prepared and decorated the Churches for Christmas and all who do so much work quietly behind the scenes throughout the year. Such truly wonderful volunteerism is making a difference! Thanks to all involved with our two very successful Christmas concerts.
Thanks to the Chairpersons and the volunteer board members of our four Catholic schools in the parish who give so generously of their valuable time, talent and expertise in the development and support of primary education in this community.
Thanks to all involved in maintaining our parish website, webcam facilities and social media through facebook and twitter linking us with a wider world!
Thanks to all who are so involved in the many sporting, cultural, community and voluntary bodies in our parish. Your leadership is second to none.
Many who visit our great parish remark on the truly evident community spirit which is apparent to all. Kingscourt is a parish filled with people of great heart. It is a vibrant and living place and we can all have a righteous pride. Let us all strive to continue building and nurturing this great spirit unique to Kingscourt in 2019.
Wishing all our families at home and across the seas the blessings of a New Year.
Fr. Gerry